Private Course
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Responsible Farnoosh Safavi
Last Update 07/03/2024
Completion Time 2 hours 12 minutes
Members 3
  • General Setup
    • Preview
    • Video 2- Introduction to the hardware setup
    • Video 3- Introduction to the software setup
    • Video 4- How to select and calibrate a TMS coil
    • Video 5- How to use two coils simultaneously
    • Video 6- How to calibrate an EEG-EMG amplifier
    • General Setup- Quizzes
      10 xp
  • Patient Preparation and Setup
    • Video 7- How to prepare a patient
    • Video 8- How to create new patient entry with standard MRI
    • Video 9- How to load patient-specific MRI and how to specify MRI fiducials
    • Video 10- Create head model - How to perform automatic brain segmentation
    • Video 11- Create head model - How to perform manual brain segmentation
    • Video 12- How to import a patient-specific fMRI scan
    • Video 13- Define targets - How to define targets
    • Video 14- Define targets - How to define target grids
    • Video 15- Define targets - How to define coil targets
    • Patient Preparation and Setup- Quizzes
      10 xp
  • Neuronavigation and Mapping
    • Video 16- Neuronavigation - How to select and validate a TMS coil
    • Video 17- Neuronavigation - Select patient, read stimuli and target markers
    • Video 18- How to define the coordinate system
    • Video 19- General Neuronavigation - Introduction
    • Video 20- General Neuronavigation - Stimulation
    • Video 21- General Neuronavigation - Create target
    • Video 22- General Neuronavigation - Replace coil - validation
    • Video 23- General Neuronavigation - rTMS
    • Video 24- General Neuronavigation - Automating triggering
    • Video 25- General Neuronavigation - Scalp-based navigation
    • Video 26- General Neuronavigation - Finalization
    • Video 27- Motor Mapping- How to find the motor threshold
    • Video 28- Motor Mapping- Stimulation
    • Neuronavigation and Mapping- Quizzes
      10 xp
  • Offline Review
    • Video 29- Session Planning & Offline Review - Motor mapping
    • Offline Review- Quizzes
      10 xp
  • Language Mapping Module
    • Video 30- How to customize a language mapping task
    • Video 31- How to prepare for language mapping neuronavigation
    • Video 32- How to perform language mapping stimulation
    • Video 33- Session Planning & Offline Review - Language mapping
    • Language Mapping Module- Quizzes
      10 xp
    • visor2 Onboarding Course